Understanding the Importance of Lymphatic Health in Breast Care

11 Breast Lymphatic Facts


The lymphatic system plays a crucial role in maintaining overall breast health and well-being. It filters, neutralizes, and drains harmful substances from our bodies, including carbon dioxide, infections, bacteria, viruses, and even cancer cells.


When it comes to breast care and health, understanding the intricate workings of the breast lymphatic system becomes essential. Here are 11 important facts that shed light on the significance of breast lymphatics and how we can support their optimal function.


  1. Immune and Waste Removal System: Lymph nodes are integral to the body's immune and waste removal system. They act as filters, trapping and eliminating foreign substances and waste products. In the case of the breast lymphatic system, one of its primary function is to filter cellular waste from breast tissue.

  2. Abundance of Lymph in Breasts: Surprisingly, the breasts contain more lymphatic fluid than any other fatty tissue in the body. This emphasizes the importance of maintaining a healthy lymphatic flow in this area.

  3. Directional Flow: Lymph fluid always flows in one direction through lymph vessels. In the context of breasts, lymph fluid moves from breast tissue toward the lymph nodes through the skin. Unhindered unidirectional flow is vital for effective waste removal.

  4. Locations of Breast Lymph Nodes: The lymph nodes responsible for filtering breast cellular waste are situated in various regions, including under the armpit, in the sternum, collarbone area, and beneath the breast. However, the majority of waste in the breasts, approximately 75-90%, is filtered through the lymph nodes in the armpits.

  5. Dual Circulatory Systems: The human body possesses two distinct circulatory systems: the blood and lymphatic systems. While the blood is propelled by the heart, lymph relies on movement to circulate effectively. Muscle contractions resulting from exercise are a significant contributor to lymph movement. Unfortunately, breast tissue lacks significant muscle tissue, except for some smooth muscle in the nipple. Consequently, it is crucial to support and stimulate lymph movement in the breasts through manual methods daily.

  6. Environmental Factors and Lymph Flow: Modern-day living exposes us to a heavy environmental toxic burden, which can impede lymph flow. Breast are approximately 50% fatty tissue before menopause, and as we age the amount of fatty tissue in our breasts increases. Fatty tissue is a magnet for environmental toxic waste. Additionally, sedentary lifestyles, stress, shallow breathing, and wearing tight bras that restrict breast and lymph movement further hinder the natural flow of lymph. Since lymph flows towards the lymph nodes in the skin, any clothing or bras that constrict movement and press tightly against the skin can limit lymphatic circulation.

  7. Supporting Breast Lymph Movement: There are various ways to support lymph movement in the breasts. Incorporating herbs known for their lymphatic benefits, such as calendula, violet leaf, red clover, into your diet, as well as massaging them topically into your breasts promotes healthy lymphatic flow. Breast tissue is especially permeable making topical herbal applications beneficial. Additionally, practices like touch, massage, deep breathing, rebounding (using a mini-trampoline), dry brushing, walking, and moving without a bra can all stimulate breast lymphatic circulation.

  8. Resilient Lymphatic System: The breasts' lymphatic system is remarkably resilient and designed to thrive when treated proactively, interactively, and intentionally. By adopting simple daily practices to promote lymphatic health, we can optimize the functioning of this vital system.

  9. Breast Self-Massage: Regular breast self-massage is an excellent way to support lymphatic flow in the breasts. Gentle pumping motions at lymph centers as well as very gentle stretching of the skin starting at lymph node sites and moving away using the pads of your fingers can help move lymph fluid toward the lymph nodes. It is important to note any changes or abnormalities during this process and consult a healthcare professional if necessary.

  10. Deep Breathing Techniques: Deep breathing exercises promote relaxation and aid lymphatic circulation. By taking slow, deep breaths and focusing on expanding the ribcage, you can help create movement and enhance breast lymph flow.

  11. Holistic Approach to Breast Health: Daily supportive breast care is powerful health care. To encourage optimal breast health, it is essential to take a holistic approach that encompasses daily care, healthy lifestyle choices, regular physical activity, a nutritious diet, stress management, and adequate sleep. By nurturing the body's overall well-being, we can indirectly support the efficient functioning of the breast lymphatic system.


Taking proactive steps to care to support our breast lymphatics empowers us to prioritize our well-being and contribute to the overall health of our bodies.


The Healthy Breast Co.

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